Backup and Recovery in AIX

Backup rootvg using mksysb command. 
Backup and restore other volume groups using savevg and restvg commands. 
Restore files backed-up using restore commands

    Backup rootvg using mksysb


    • Creates an installable image of the root volume group either in a file or on to a bootable tape
    • Bootable tape is created in backup format
    • Can be restored individual files/directories using restore command
            -e  /excludes files in /etc/exclude.rootvg 
            -i  to create file
            -v  verbose mode 
            -X  extend /tmp filesystem if necessory for storing boot image
    -i option calls mkszfile command which inturn creates file.

    The bootable mksysb volume contains four images
    1. Boot image
    2. bosinstall image (,, tapeblksz, etc..)
    3. An empty table of contents
    4. System Backup Image in Back up format
    / file contains answer for questions during installation time such as Console name, Installation methode, locale seetings, etc.. If there is no / file present, then a sample file /usr/lpp/bosinst/bosinst.template is copied as / during backup process.

    / file contains logical volume and filesystem information of root volume group which is used by BOS install for creating target rootvg. If you want to create a custom file, create the file using mkszfile, modify the file as per your requirement and call the mksysb command without -i option.

    With these two files, it is possible to carry out an un-attended installation.


    To create system backup and create an / file
     # mksysb -i /dev/rmt0
    To exclude files and directories stored in /etc/exclude.rootvg file
     # mksysb -i -e /dev/rmt0
    To store the mksysb image to a file called /stage/backp/mksysb.img
     # mksysb /stage/backp/mksysb.img

    Backup VG using savevg 

    savevg command is used to backup volume groups other than rootvg restvg command is used to restore volume groups other than rootvg

       -e excludes files/directories being backed in /etc/exclude. file
       -i creates /tmp/vgdata//.data file
       -f   device or filename on which the image to be stored
       -v verbose mode
       -X automatically expand /tmp filesystem if required
    -i option calls mkvgdata command which inturn creates /tmp/vgdata//.data file

    Restore files using restore command

           -q  tells restore commnad that volume is ready
           -t, -T  to list the list of files in the backup archive
           -v  verbose
           -r  restores all files in the filesystem archive
           -x  to restore specifig files/directories
           -d  to restore all files in a directory if the File parameter is a directory
           -s   To seek and restore the multiple backup tapes

    To list the names of files in either a file-name or file-system archive
      # restore -Tq -f /dev/rmt0
    To list all the files in a mksysb tape backup
      # restore -Tvqs 4 -f /dev/rmt0.1      
    To restore an entire file-system archive, enter:
      # restore -rvqdf /dev/rmt0
    To restore a specific file
      # restore -xvqf myhome.bkup
    To restore a specific file "/etc/passwd" from mksysb image file "mksysb.host1"
      # restore -xvqdf mksysb.host1 ./etc/passwd

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